If after review of your business and the CCPA, CPA, and VCDPA you determine that you are subject, in whole or in part, to the new legislation, what are your obligations? In this part two of our series on the comprehensive state consumer data protection acts, we look at that […]
Every company doing business in California, Colorado, and Virginia needs to determine whether the states’ new privacy laws impact their businesses and if so, what steps they need to take to comply with these new laws. In this part one of our series on the comprehensive state consumer data protection […]
We reported to you last year on the new California Consumer Privacy Act, as updated by the 2020 California Privacy Rights Act (collectively as amended, the CCPA) and foresaw a trend of state legislation in this area. Sure enough, in early March, Governor Northam of Virginia signed into law the […]
THE VIRGINIA CONSUMER DATA PROTECTION ACT AND ITS EFFECTS ON YOUR IT AGREEMENTS. In early March, Governor Northam of Virginia signed into law the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA). Effective January 1, 2023, this new Act will require businesses that do significant business in Virginia or produce products […]
As we have done for the past several years, LB3 and TC2 have compiled a list of the trends we believe will have the greatest importance to, and impact on, enterprise ICT customers in the new year. We will explore each of the following areas in greater detail with one […]
The FCC recently adopted new rules for the 4940 – 4990 MHz (“4.9 GHz”) Public Safety band to give state governments authority to lease or share this spectrum with non-public safety entities for public safety, private, or commercial service. The new rules provide an opportunity for many types of entities to access 4.9 […]